Hi! I’m Barry! A Zombie Dinosaur that has wanted to work as a video editor for Markiplier since 2014! I'm mostly known for my music, which is themed around Mark, Jack, Ethan, and others!If you want to see more of what I do , here are my socials and ways to support me!
SecretlyMarkipliersBarry (Also just known as Barry) is a Freelance Video Editor and Music Mixer. She makes her music in GarageBand using loops provided by the program. She uses Premire Pro to edit videos. Barry is 28, goes by She/They and has wanted to work as a video editor for Mark since 2014. She has been a vtuber (or Virtual Content Creator) since 2021, however these days she more so focuses on her home life. Making content on the side.Barry the Zombie Dinosaur is her sona. The idea of her came from a comment Mark made while playing Beast of Prey with Wade about how there should be a game with zombie dinosaurs. Barry wasn't a game maker, but she did make the zombie dinosaur into a reality.
Barry is a small fluffy zombie raptor who spent a long time in outer space. How did she become a zombie? how did she get here? The only things known is that she is not violent and really likes Wilford Warfstache.